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SELFILMED 101 – Introduction – How to Self Film Hunts

Introduction - Self Film Hunts

Welcome to SELFILMED 101, a mini series of articles designed to help you learn how to self film your hunts and take your self-filming experience to the next level.  The art of self-filming is very different from running a camera as a dedicated camera man for another hunter.  As such, the recommended equipment is different, the setup is different, and the placement of your equipment can be unique to make sure you maximize the visual representation of your hunt from a SELFILMED perspective.

In this series, we will guide you through all of the steps you need to follow in order to successfully self film hunts.  We will begin this series by talking about equipment selection.  In doing so, we will explain what to look for when buying cameras and other accessories you may need to capture quality/usable footage.  From there we will move into functional articles detailing step by step what we do when setting up our equipment.  Finally, we will provide some helpful information on editing and putting everything together after you’ve had a successful hunt.

Our Way isn't the Only Way

Instead of telling you our way to self film hunts is the only or even the best way, we instead hope to get you thinking in a way that will aid you throughout your own SELFILMED journey.  Every hunt and every setup is different; Having a good understanding of what equipment you need and knowing what needs to be done in the field to capture a quality hunt on video is essential.

Whether you are brand new to self-filming, or you are merely looking to take your game to the next level.  We hope you find the SELFILMED 101 series both entertaining and informative.  As always, we welcome your input and feedback.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, and especially offer advice if you have tips or suggestions that have worked for you over the years.

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