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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – Recap

The 2017 ATA show was perhaps one of my favorite to date.  Aside from the unexpected, yet appreciated, warmer than usual temperatures, it seems as if there were more products that caught my attention than usual.  The updates Spot Hogg made to their sight lines were incredible! Several boot manufacturers releasing  Optifade

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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – Compound Bow Roundup

I can’t think of anything that gets gear freaks as worked up in the hunting world as the impending release of the new bows for the year.  Whether you shoot a Mathews, Hoyt, Elite, Bowtech, whatever your brand of choice…there is always plenty of debate each and every year about who

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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – HECS

Last year, the folks at HECS released their new High-Performance HECS Base Layer.  Though it was new last year, the suit did not become available until much later in the year, and so it did not get as much exposure as it would had it been available sooner. This year,

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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – Benchmade Knife Company

Over the years we have grown accustomed to seeing the many great offerings from the HUNT. series of knives by Benchmade, but this year Benchmade elected not to release any new HUNT. knives.  However, that did not mean Benchmade had nothing new to offer to its customers. From the Blue Class

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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – Firenock

Over the years, many Firenock customers have complained that the fit of their Firenock lighted nocks to their bowstring was to snug.  As a result, Firenock set out to investigate any potential issues connected to these complaints.  What they found out was that there was a lack of standards for

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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – Grim Reaper Broadheads

For 2017, Grim Reaper Broadheads has opted not to release any new broadheads.  Instead, they have refocused their efforts into improving and strengthening their already awesome mechanical broadhead lineup. Starting with the blades; Grim Reaper has equipped their mechanical broadheads with a more durable blade that is also sharper than

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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – Sitka Gear

Sitka Gear continues to deliver! For the second year in a row Sitka has unveiled a new camo pattern.  Built on the same scientific principles as its predecessors, Optifade Subalpine is the next step in the continued evolution that is the Optifade family of camo patterns.  In 2016, Elevated II

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Rich Peace

2017 ATA Show – Spot Hogg

In addition to an all new bow sight (touched on later in this article) and the new Edge Swap rest, Spot Hogg focused on improving several of their already top notch products for 2017.Their multi pin sights have received a major upgrade in the form of the MRT Pin Guard which

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