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Carter Enterprises new NV hinge-style back tension release

Carter’s NV Release – 2020 ATA Show

For 2020 Forrest unveiled their latest development;  Carter’s green-colored NV Release.  Named for its ability to leave your competition green with envy, it was designed with the target archer in mind. This is a hinge-style back-tension release with an adjustable clicker. What sets this release apart from the others is not only can one adjust the distance from the click to firing and the speed to fire, but one can change the two settings independently of each other. 

The NV release features a Cradle Rotation System.  With a simple adjustment of a lockdown and adjustment screw, one can adjust the distance from the click to firing.  Tightening the clicker moon adjustment screw (clockwise) you can completely eliminate the click.  Loosening can give up to 0.050″ of travel before the click.  

The process to adjust the speed to fire – referred to as the moon angle – is as simple as the earlier adjustment.  After loosening the lockdown screw on the backside of the NV release, you simply back out the moon angle screw to decrease the angle.  This makes the release faster to fire.  Make sure you retighten the lockdown screw and test prior to drawing your bow to avoid a misfire.

To purchase Carter’s NV release, or to see the rest of their lineup, check out their website


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