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2019 ATA Show – Sitka Gear

Despite the huge popularity of their whitetail line’s Fanatic series, Sitka stuck true to their mission of constantly refining & improving their gear by releasing an all new Fanatic line.  With this latest release they introduced two new Fanatic Jackets, a Fanatic Vest, Fanatic Bibs, and an all new Fanatic Backpack.

The Fanatic Series

Despite the huge popularity of their whitetail line’s Fanatic series, Sitka stuck true to their mission of constantly refining & improving their gear by releasing an all new Fanatic line.  With this latest release they introduced two new Fanatic Jackets, a Fanatic Vest, Fanatic Bibs, and an all new Fanatic Backpack.

Topping this all off they have created a patent-pending Constant-Connect Safety Harness Port that allows you to stay connected to the tree when donning or doffing your jacket.  Both left and right-handed versions of the jacket retail for $449.  They also have created a vest that integrates all of these features, minus the sleeves obviously.  The vest retails for $279.

The Fanatic Bib took a similar approach, with repositioned pockets and the new, mapped berber on the side pockets and lower half of the legs.  This reduces burr pick up without increasing noise.   This also should help the pant leg cuff fit with thicker pac boots, which was sometimes an issue with the earlier fanatic bibs. You can pick these up in-store for $439.

The Fanatic Pack

The new piece that caught my attention was the new Fanatic Pack.  When looking at the pack I couldn’t help but wonder, “why berber on a pack?”  However, when you recognize everything in this fanatic redesign was centered around reducing noise, the lack of exposed plastic buckles, berber-lined exterior, and the molle-style closures make perfect sense.  As one of the Sitka athletes said “it’s hard to make noise with a cotton ball.”  MSRP is $199.

One thing I noticed with all pieces was the pattern looked better-defined than with the original berber.  Unlike the original berber which was wet-printed, this new berber is actually individual colored yarns which help increase color definition.

For more information on their 2019 new product releases, as well as all their other high-quality hunting gear please check out

Also, be sure to check back to our blog at for more 2019 ATA Show coverage.

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