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Rich Peace

Grim Reaper Mechanical Broadhead Assembly

There is only one thing better than putting a shiny new Grim Reaper mechanical broadhead on the end of your hunting arrow; Putting said broadhead through your intended target! But after you have used your broadhead in the field, what is next? Compared to some of the gear we buy

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Utilizing Aerial Photos and Topography Maps : Part Two of Two

Part Two: Topography Maps  Aerial Photos are great for visually seeing what the habitat and surrounds look like on a new piece of ground your are thinking about hunting. But when it comes to finding those key terrain features that whitetails tend to travel, Topography maps are the answer. We will cover

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SELFILMED: Ground Blind Turkey Hunting Tactics

Though being SELFILMED is never an “easy” task, there exist very few hunts that are easier to successfully film than a turkey hunt from a pop-up blind. With the use of super realistic turkey decoys and artful crafted calls you can pull birds into a close predetermined location. Capturing the

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Utilizing Aerial Photos and Topography Maps : Part One of Two

Let’s discuss two of the most effective tools that most whitetail hunters overlook or disregard… Aerial Photos and Topography (Topo) Maps and what to look for in each. These two tools (Aerial/Topo Map) can and will become your top two weapons in your arsenal for hunting whitetails in the future.

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SELFILMED Treestand Tactics

Operating cameras from a treestand presents its own set of challenges for those attempting to be SELFILMED.  The primary objective is obviously to get off a lethal shot, however there are also additional things to think about in the moment of truth when running camera gear.  The following tactics and

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