As winter fades and temperature begin to climb, cabin fever hits an all time high waiting for that first morning back in the woods chasing long beards. And my number one key to success for the past few years has come from my DSD Jake.
If you are looking for that one special item to give you an edge up on a ol’tom this spring, I would recommend looking into the DSD Jake decoy.
DSD’s attention to detail is what sets this decoy apart from anything else on the market. The paint scheme from the head to the body and realistic feather sculpting brings this decoy to life.
This decoy alone has increased my chances twenty fold with bringing those wise toms into bow range. DSD Jake is portrayed to resemble an adolescent jake postured for breeding, which in turns sparks jealously and territorial toms to rush in and show their dominance.
Once I became an avid bowhunter and set out to take make my first bow bird, I knew that my decoy setup was needing to change to help get the birds in closer. So after a little research on the web looking for the best success stories for taking birds with a bow, DSD Decoys were the recurring key to success. So, I turned to DSD and asked for their assistance in helping achieve my goals of taking my first bow bird. They instantly suggested that if I was just going to get one decoy…make it the JAKE! So, that is exactly what I did. Well…not exactly I went ahead and bought the breeding pair (Jake & Submissive Hen).
My normal setup for the majority of spring turkey season, is to place the Posturing Jake directly to the side of a submissive hen and out in an open ag field so it can be seen from many directions and from a distance. In the past I had used other decoys from lone feeding hens, up right hens and strutting toms with many of the same results, having to shot toms at longer ranges with my shotgun. Not to say these other decoys did not work, but at times a lot of the birds were spooked or uneasy about closing the distance to extremely close range.
If you have never seen the DSD Jake in person, find out where your closest retailer is and go check this bad boy out…or just go ahead and order yours today , because you will not regret it.
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