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Firenocks fail-proof lighted nocks and Aerovane III put a new spin on arrow flight in 2013

January 6, 2013 ATA SHOW

Array of designs provide quality nocks for crossbow hunters or vertical bow hunters ATA Show Louisville, KY

After a few minutes at the Firenock™ booth this afternoon it was very apparent that it’s creators are not only incredibly passionate but unbelievably genius. Not only has Firenock™ modernized its lighted nock system, but they have also added a new spin in the Arrow Flight Revolution with the Aerovane III and the AeroRest Micro Adjust.

“The Most Advanced Lighted Nock” and for 2013, Firenock™ has raised the bar in the archery industry. Unlike other brands’ lighted nock, Firenock “G” series will remain lit even when it is shot into solid objects like bone, wood or stone.  This unique characteristic of the circuitry allows archers to track their game and this significantly increases the probability of game recovery. Firenocks do not require any movement of

From flawless nocks to cutting edge design vanes, Firenock sets the bar high for 2013 at the ATA Show.
From flawless nocks to cutting edge design vanes, Firenock sets the bar high for 2013 at the ATA Show.

the nock, pusher pin or any external activator. This means no need for magnets, knives, field points or wiring to turn them on and off. For 2013 Firenock™ has eliminated accidental activation with their fail-proof design that puts an end to any frustrations or failures associated with lighted nocks.

More new offerings for 2013 are:

  • 24K Gold plating, Ti alloy wire connector
  • 11 styles of nocks
  • 7 nocks for crossbows
  • 6 colors of LED’s
  • 9 colors of nocks
  • Field Replaceable Batteries
  • Hunting Series nocks provide 36 hours continuous light
  • Hydro Bow Fishing System (2 NEW adapters)

In 2013 Firenock™ has absolutely stayed true to their slogan. Their lighted nocks are the most dependable, versatile, lightest, brightest and provide the widest choice of colors on the market today.

Delta wing design creates maximum revolutions, tighter grouping
Delta wing design creates maximum revolutions, tighter grouping

The Aerovane was introduced in spring of 2008 and at that time a lot about the Aerodynamics and “Arrow-dynamics” had not been fully understood. Aerovane I was made with extreme polish on all surfaces thinking that it would decrease the friction drag from the air.  In fact, the opposite is true; a slightly rough surface texture is more aerodynamically efficient.  When designing the new vane it was found that the surface area would create a lift in aerodynamic flight. Thus creating spin torque (more rotations during flight, ie. tighter groups). After prolonged in-house wind tunnel testing and consultation with low-speed airfoil experts the Aerovane III was created.


The unique (a first hand demonstration of this product is the only way to fully appreciate it) design advanced the specifications of Aerovane III.

  • The Aerovane III is 10mm in height which is 29% shorter than the Aerovane II.
  • Weighs only about 4.5 grains while using the same ratio of the delta wing area, which reduces sound in flight.
  • The vane incorporates a winglet to improve the aerodynamics and reduce induced drag.
  • It is the first vane to reduce crosswind effectiveness. Arrow with Aerovane III should be able to hit a target under 35 mph crosswind at 35 yards with archery projectile.
Frictionless and lightweight, this rest is the first of its kind
Frictionless and lightweight, this rest is the first of its kind

AeroRest was first introduced last year and it was the first of its kind, designed to last forever. For 2013 it’s only gotten better. The AeroRest micro-adjust containment spring tension allows the AeroRest to be at home on the target range as well as in the field hunting. Its frictionless hard ceramic bearing surface eliminates almost all friction between the ceramic bearings and the arrow. The ceramic ball bearings hold the arrow in place and due to their hardness there is virtually no wear. The AeroRest is believed to be the most advanced and lightest arrow rest on the market with its total titanium construction. As a completely interchangeable system, the AeroRest has a mirror image design which allow the rest to be used by right or left handed shooters. With the components, AeroRest Micro Adjust can be configured into 6 different forms and shapes.

Firenock’s passion, precision and genius design has raised the bar for many products in the archery industry. Dorge Huang and fellow designers have reinvented the meaning of accuracy. In 2013, Firenock™ is perfecting perfection.

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