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latest news from

Brad Blackwelder

North Carolina Turkey Season for the Ages

Two weeks prior to the opening weekend of the North Carolina spring wild turkey season, I was running four trail cams on three different farms and getting up early most mornings before going to work to locate birds. The past couple season I had not done my homework, and ended up having

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Brett Bueltel

2014 Turkey Season Recap – Brett Bueltel

You know what they say, “all good things must come to an end.”  As spring turns into the beginnings of summer I sit back and reflect on what a great turkey season I had again this year.  Did I kill a record turkey this year?  No.  Was I able to

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2014 NWTF Convention Highlights

The National Wild Turkey Federation, commonly referred to as the NWTF, is an organization that needs no introduction.   Founded in 1973, they have been one of the single greatest factors in the constant battle to preserve our nation’s hunting rights, wildlife, and the natural habitat required for our wildlife to

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Huntmore’s new ABRAMS line of chairs

Huntmore 2014 ATA Show Nashville TN I have found that one of the most important tools a hunter can posses in the field is patience and consistency. A large factor in remaining patient over long periods of time is staying comfortable which is very difficult at times when in the

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“Winterizing” your Huntmore 360

If you have spent any amount of time in the stand on a cold and frigid morning, you already know how everything seems to squeak, creak, or rattle at some point.  A misstep on your stand, a small shift in weight on your Huntmore chair, or even your jacket brushing

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Huntmore 360 Chair Giveaway!

Stop by the SELFILMED Facebook page today and checkout the latest giveaway!  One lucky winner will win their choice of either a 19″ or 16″ Huntmore 360 chair FREE!!! “Like” the Huntmore Facebook page and “Share” the promotional giveaway graphic on your Facebook profile to be entered for a chance

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SELFILMED’s Brett Bueltel: Roosted = Tagged Out?!

May 18, 2013: Just like every year, seasons come and seasons go.  The final weekend of the Ohio spring turkey season was this weekend, and with one tag left to fill, it looked like I’d be getting up early at least one more time before season ended. With my wife

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Forrest Breedlove: 56 Yard SELFILMED NC Turkey

With my Grandpa passing away merely days before the turkey opener my heart just wasn’t in it like normal. Opening weekend was filled with heavy hearts and funeral arrangements as my family closed the book on what was the tale of a great man’s life. Having difficulty dealing with all

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SELFILMED- The NC Silent Treatment

The month of April is without a doubt one of the favored months of the year for the majority of our nations’ turkey hunters.  In the South, the dogwoods bloom and the grass turns green, and for the most part, the turkeys gobble. April 13th marked the opening day of

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SELFILMED: Brett Bueltel – 2013 Ohio Thunderchicken

Saturday, April 27, 2013: I got the blind setup on the eastern edge of the freshly tilled bottom field and was setting out my DSD flock when a gobble sounded off in the woodlot behind the blind.  “Finally setup in the right spot” I thought to myself as I finished

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HuntMore sits on new compact chair and adjustable Crossbow Rest at ATA

January 6, 2013 ATA SHOW Louisville, KY In 2010, Bowhunter Magazine named HuntMore’s 360° Chair™ “The Ultimate Blind Chair”. New for 2013, HuntMore has stepped up their already extraordinary product and designed a chair for a different type of hunting. The newly designed 360° Chair has had a renovation to make it

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